Run for Art


Run for Art is the international photo contest for young photographers, conceived by the Giulio Onesti Foundation and Studio Pivot. The aim is to combine art and sport, partnering up the creative energy of art and the strength released by sports determination, through the artistic form that best expresses this union: photography

The theme

Ad ogni edizione viene proposto un tema differente, declinato secondo 5 different aspects: the number of categories symbolically represents the 5 Olympic rings.
Theme such as sports ethics, diversity and inclusion are explored through the universal languages of sport and photography.

Who can enter the competition

Participation is free and open to all young photographers, both amateur or professional, who are between 18 and 35 years old and of any nationality. The photographs can be taken with any type of camera and smartphone.

Selection and jury

La selezione segue l’iter di una vera e propria gara sportiva: in ogni edizione vengono scelte 8 fotografie finaliste per categoria, per un totale di 40 photographs, which enter the final stage of the contest.

The photographs are selected by an international jury of excellence which ideally represents all the fields involved: from art to sport, from institutions to the media.

The exhibition

The purpose of the contest is to create an exhibition of photographs that expresses the values of sport and its strong connection with art.

The 40 finalist photographs are exhibited in museums and prestigious international locations: the European parliament in Strasbourg, the MAXXI Museum in Rome, the United Nations Headquarter in New York are just some of the places that hosted the Run for art exhibitions during past editions.

The online exhibition

In addition to the physical exhibitions, the winning and finalist photographs become part of our online exhibition, which is available on smartphone, tablet and computer.

The exhibition is a great opportunity to discover the Run for Art shots, browsing through the past editions and their categories.

The exhibition is designed to offer a unique experience to users: thanks to the creation of a personalized itinerary, visitors can select their favourite photos and discover all their details.

The catalogue

The winning and finalist photographs are included in the exhibition catalogue, available both in digital and printed format.