Run for Art World - 6th edition
The topic for the 6th edition of Run for Art World is Environment and sport. The International Olympic Committee defines the environment as the third pillar of Olympism: sport can contribute significantly to protecting the natural environment and enhancing its resources, thanks to the values of respect, education, and sustainability it promotes.
Sport and environment are closely interdependent and the interaction of sports communities with the environment in which the activities are practiced has a profound effect on it. The concept of environment cannot be separated from the complex system of behaviours and relationships that influence it. The term environment literally means surroundings, the space in which interactions and connections are realized. We have therefore decided to leave ample space for the creativity of the photographers and to consider the term environment in its broadest sense: not only sport and natural environment, but also sport and social, urban, and cultural environment, today and tomorrow.
Participation is free and open to all young photographers, both amateur or professional, who are between 18 and 35 years old and of any nationality. The photographs can be taken with any type of camera and smartphone. Entries are open until 29 September 2023.
FAQ -Frequently asked questions
Do you have any questions? Try searching for the right answer below!
You can submit multiple photographs for the same category or multiple photographs for different categories; in both cases, you will need to fill out the registration form for each photo you want to compete with.
No, each photo submitted must belong to a single category.
According to the rules, the judgments expressed by the jury will be based on the following criteria: creativity, originality, quality of photography, adherence to the theme and to the category.
The Foundation will send a confirmation email to the participants.
No, it is not possible to enter with a photo that has already entered another contest.
The Foundation, as per the competition rules, if it deems necessary, may ask the participants whose works will be selected among the finalists to provide the RAW files, if possible, or the original JPEGs without any modifications.
Yes, according to the rules, the only changes allowed are those that concern only tone and contrast, burning, shield, cutout, accentuation and noise reduction.
Yes, black and white is accepted and can be either from original or converted from color file.
Do you have any other question? You can contact us:
- by telephone, by calling +390636857933/4
- by email, by writing at