All sports for all people
All sports for all people
From the floor of a gym to the arid land of the African savannah; from the water of a swimming pool to the rocky meadows of a hill.
With All sports for all people in ten shots Run for Art tells us about sports as a connection between different and distant people, coming from various latitudes, linked by the indissoluble bond of being athletes.
Friends in sports
Friends in sports
No friendship is stronger than the one born by sharing efforts and sacrifices, encouragement and support among each other. But also by sharing fun, laughter, rewards and goals achieved. Sport becomes the key to making deeper connections in life, experiencing friendship in a new and more intense light.
Victory is not just WINNING
Victory is not just winning
Life is a journey whose destination is unknown, but not for this reason to be traveled with fear.
Sport becomes a real “training for life”:
if fighting for the gold medal certainly remains the aim of every athlete, the efforts of the hard work are paid off day by day and the rewards are gathered along the journey. A journey that maybe will not forge a champion, but will certainly give him awareness of his own abilities and limits, teaching him to face them with courage and determination.
A kick to violence
A kick to violence
Educating to respect, tolerance and fair competition.
Teaching to recognize one self in the rival that one faces on the playing field.
These are some of the most important lessons of sport shown in these shots: sport as a means of education, capable to inspire in athletes principles of respect, brotherhood and inclusion.
The courage of the challenge
The courage of the challenge
The first great step is to get involved, finding within oneself the will to improve and the humility to learn from mistakes.
The photographs of The courage
of the challenge telli us about moments in which fear turns into adrenaline and positive energy to face the sport challenge, motivating every athlete to do his best.